Stuff regular people don’t ask for:

Regular stuff people ask for:

These are 10 things you should know about me:

  • Family comes first, second and third in my book. Not only do I owe them my life but I realized long ago they deeply love me even though they don’t fully understand me. That’s the most profound love.

  • I practice utter honesty, which is a liability in most industries, but builds pure friendships and true value. In the end, people will thank you for speaking your mind. And life is too short for lying, anyway.

  • I believe humans should be more critical about the technology that we put in the world and how we use it; it is not, like many people think, inevitable. We can and should have a say in how that tech tsunami is shaped.

  • I engage with people constantly to have deep, meaningful conversations. I need to know that people around me are doing well. Also, I need to know what they are up to, what they are thinking and feeling. I just need to know.

  • I enjoy time by myself above all things. I’m an introvert. Introversion has nothing to do with not enjoying people. I recharge alone, that’s all. I can spend long periods of time working and thinking on my own.

  • I read relentlessly about anything related to Education. To me, there is not silver bullet to this problem, which is what makes it interesting. The notion of knowledge acquisition and transfer is absurdly fascinating.

  • I trust every being in the world is connected to another. We should treat other creatures with kindness and respect, as if we all were part of a symbiotic system, because we are. We all share the same energy.

  • We were not all born with the same opportunities. I aim to acknowledge this every day by working in some capacity to level the playing field for people who deserve a chance to become a better version of themselves.

  • I intentionally aspire to become more emotionally dexterous. I don’t think people talk enough about their feelings and I try to do it always. I have an ability to earn people’s trust. I listen more than I say, and I don’t lie to them.

  • I appreciate the myriad folks working to solve complex social problems, the ones that hurt our planet. Yet, I think these problems can only be approached, not solved. If our intentions are pure, then approaching them is enough.